


There is no love

I am a duplication


I was conceived

So violently

There was no love

There was no love for me

There was only hatred

I am rape

I am hate

I am rape

I am hate

Every day I feel anonymous hate

Forever in the shadow of disgrace

I am rape

I am hate

I am rape

I am hate

Filled with pain

A bruised and darkened soul

Spare me from the

Life that's full of misery

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

There is no love

Every day I feel anonymous hate

Forever in the shadow of disgrace

I am rape

I am hate

I am rape

Filled with pain

A bruised and darkened soul

Spare me from the

Life that's full of misery

I am so

Filled with pain

A bruised and darkened soul

Spare me from the

Life that's full of misery

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I am so

Filled with pain

A bruised and darkened soul

Spare me from the

Life that's full of misery

Spare me from the

Life that's full of pain

Spare me from the

Life that's full of pain

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way

I don't want to live that way


플래시음악을 자신의 블로그에 올리는 방법 http://usmiling.tistory.com/441 


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