

 My heart is filled with so much love

and I need someone I can call my own

To fall in love that's what everyone dreaming 

of I know this feeling oh so strong

Life is too short to live alone

Without someone to call my own

I will care for you

You will care for me

Our love will live forever

Chorus :

Shower me with your love

Shower me with your love that I look for

Shower me with your love

Shower me with your love I've been waiting for

I close my eyes

And pray all my wishes come true

Everynight I go to sleep

Until you're mine I'll wait for you endlessly

Can't you see

Everyday I through sometimes come true

If you believe it could happen to you

Like the stars that shine

Way up in the sky

Our love will live forever

플래시음악을 자신의 블로그에 올리는 방법 http://usmiling.tistory.com/441 

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