
Chapter 2 (2) Micheal worked on the gentleman's boots the next day.

Micheal worked on the gentleman's boots the next day.

When Simon checked his work, he shouted in surprise.

"What have you done?" yelled Simon.

"These are slippers, not boots!"

Suddenly,there was a knock at the door.

Simon opend it and saw the rich man's servant.


"The gentleman's wife has sent me about the boots." said the servant.

Simon was afraid.

"My master dose not need them."continued the servant.

"He is dead. My lady wants you to make slippers for his funeral."

Simon was amazed.

Silently,Micheal picked up the slippers he had made and gave them to the servant.

The servant bowed, and said,"Thank you,master shoemaker."


To be continued  

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