 모든 음악을 모아서 듣고 싶을 때 http://usmiling.tistory.com/376 ☜ ◀
High on diesel and gasoline,
psycho for drum machine
shaking their bits to the hits,

Drag acts, drug acts, suicides,
in your dad's suite you hide
staining his name again,

Cracked up, stacked up, 22,
psycho for sex and glue
lost it to Bostik, yeah.

Shaved heads, rave heads, on the pill,
 got too much time too kill
get into bands and gangs.

Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the

beautiful ones

la, la, la, la

loved up, Doved up, hung around,
stoned in a lonely town
shaking their meat to the beat,

High on diesel and gasoline,
psycho for drum machine
shaking their bits to the hits,

Oh, here they come, the beautiful ones, the

beautiful ones.

You don't think about it,

You don't do without it,
because you're beautiful,

And if your baby's going crazy

that's how you made me,

la, la, la, la 

사업자 정보 표시
그레마자 | 김용일 | 서울특별시 성북구 돌곶이로 18길 29, 1층 좌측(석관동, 그레마자공작소) | 사업자 등록번호 : 252-79-00271 | TEL : 010-7755-2287 | Mail : freesnut@naver.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 제 2019-서울성북-1435호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기
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