
Destiny, destiny protect me from the world
Destiny, hold my hand, protect me from the world

Here we are, with our running and confusion

And I don't see no confusion anywhere

And if the worm does turn
And if London burns

I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar

I wanna be in a band when I get to heaven

Anyone can play guitar

And they won't be a nothing anymore

Grow my hair, grow my hair, I am Jim Morrison
Grow my hair, I wanna be wanna be wanna be Jim Morrison

Here we are, with our running and confusion

And I don't see no confusion, anywhere

And if the worm does turn
And if London burns

I'll be standing on the beach with my guitar

I wanna be in a band, when I get to heaven

Anyone can play guitar

And they won't be a nothing anymore

  플래시 음악을 자신의 블로그에 올리는 방법  :  ☞ http://usmiling.tistory.com/441 ☜ ◀
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