
I don't know what it is that makes me love you so.
I only know I never wanna let you go
Cause you started something, can't you see.
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me.
It happens to be true, I only wanna be with you.

It doesn't matter where you go or what you do.
I wanna spend each moment of the day with you.
Look what has happened with just one kiss.
I never knew that I could be in love like this.
It's crazy but it's true, I only wanna be with you.

You stopped to smiled at me,
And asked me if I care to dance.
I fell into your open arms,
I didn't stand a chance.

Now, listen, honey,
I just wanna be beside you everywhere.
As long as we're together, honey, I don't care
Cause you started something, can't you see.
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me.
No matter what you do, I only wanna be with you.

You stopped to smiled at me,
And asked me if I care to dance.
I fell into your open arms,
I didn't stand a chance.

Now, listen, honey,
I just wanna be beside you everywhere.
As long as we're together, honey, I don't care
Cause you started something, can't you see.
That ever since we met you've had a hold on me.
No matter what you do, I only wanna be with you.
No matter, no matter what you do, I only wanna be with you.
No matter, no matter what you do, I only wanna be with you.

  플래시 음악을 자신의 블로그에 올리는 방법  :  ☞ http://usmiling.tistory.com/441 ☜ ◀
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