『국내 맥주만들기 동호회』 : http://cafe.daum.net/microbrewery
국내에서는 온라인으로 맥주나 소주 등은 판매하지 않아서 불편한 점이
많은데, 외국에서는 이미 몇년 전에 홈메이드용 맥주제조기가 나왔다는
것을 발견했음. 국내 시판용 맥주맛과 비슷하다는 가정하에서 고려해봄.
※ 다음 글을 읽어보면 필요성이 더 커짐
‘안 마시면 어쩔래’ 배짱의 국내 맥주회사들
: http://blog.daum.net/mchjun/2267
요즘들어 D.I.Y 와 Home-made의 소비자 요구가 지속적으로 성장예상.
예를들어, 홈메이드용케익과 아이스크림 등도 마트에서 심심치 않게 보임.
따라서, 가정용으로 직접 제조하여 다양한 취향을 가진 맥주를 제조하여
만들어 즐기는 것도 불법이 아니라면, 판매를 제외하고는 꽤 시장성이 있을
것으로 보여짐.
관련된 맥주 제조용 재료 및 첨가물과 보관용기, 세척용품이 저렴한
가격으로 소비자가 제공받을 수 있다면 점차 알코올 도수가 낮은 것을
즐기는 젊은 층을 대상으로 꾸준한 호응을 얻을 수 있다고 보아짐.
※ 아쉬운 점 : 저온상태로 유지시킬 수 있는 별도의 온도장치가 필요함.
냉장고에서 얼음 대신에 아이스크림이나 맥주가 나온다면 멋있을 것 같음.
아무튼 난 국내에서는 언제 볼 수 있을지 궁금할 뿐이고 ~
※ 블로그에 글을 남기고, 오늘은 6월 26일이 되었음. 그리고,
『 인터넷에서 http://www.makebeer.co.kr 에서 판매하고 있음을 확인, 추후 구매검토』
With Oktoberfest coming up, it’s time to celebrate the incredible world of beer. Lots of people are getting into home brewing, but some shy away from it due to the many steps involved and worse, the lengthy waiting process. When you have the Beer Machine, producing 2.6 gallons of homemade beer (~28 standard cans of beer or 17 pints) is as easy as adding H2O and waiting one week. Plus, you’ll be saving money and gaining prestigious home brewer bragging rights.
The Beer Machine
- Built for years of service, the Beer Machine includes:
- A custom pressure gauge to indicate brew quality, carbonation level, and dispensing pressure
- A carbonation unit and pressure relief system for maintaining optimal brewing conditions
- One Brewers Select premium beer mix
- Yeast, CO2 bulbs, de-foamer disk
- Brewing Guide
Designed by professional brewers, everything you need to make beer is available in the kit. Sometimes it’s just better to rely on the experts.
After you exhaust the first batch of brew, which will probably happen quite rapidly, you can purchase other mixes to experiment with different kinds of beer. The Beer Machine website offers a variety of mixes to choose from.
The barrel is designed to fit on refrigerator shelves, so when it’s time for the official taste test your sample will be ice cold. (That’s how North Americans like it at least.) Don’t forget to put on your German Oktoberfest Apron when you’re ready to serve, after the beer passes quality control. That is, of course if you up to sharing.
How does the beer get carbonated? The Beer Machine has its own carbonation unit to ensure that your glass has bubbles and froth; the ’cherry’ on top of good home brews.
This all-in-one Beer Machine is available at Brookstone for $99.95 with free shipping using promo code SHIP99. In the UK, it is sold at Firebox for £89.99 with free shipping as well.
Fans of Homer Simpson and beer will also delight in having a Duff Beer Sleeve for proper beer insulation; perfect for the standard pint glass.
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